5 Things to Expect from The Pod Process Coaching

Suzy Chase
4 min readFeb 15, 2021


Coaching podcasters is quite possibly my favorite thing in the whole wide world (next to podcasting itself) and the crazy thing is, I’d never heard the term “podcast coach” before 9 months ago. Now don’t get me wrong. I knew all about coaches, business coaches, personal development coaches, sports coaches but never connected the dots between podcasting and coaching.

I’ve been podcasting since 2005. I am the ultimate self-taught podcaster. I took everything I learned from hosting a major market radio show for nearly 10 years and poured that into podcasting. Last May when the pandemic was at it’s very worst right here in New York City, when the refrigerator trucks were parked in my neighborhood because the hospital morgue was full, and when morale was at its all-time low, I partnered with Sounder.fm to coach their podcasters. I wanted to connect with, support, and inspire podcasters all over the world during that super stressful time.

And today I’m thrilled to be launching The Pod Process course & coaching!

If you’ve never hired a coach before it can feel intimidating because you’re unsure what to expect. I wanted to give you some insight on what to expect when you sign up for my podcast coaching.

1) Expect to Gain Knowledge- My core obsession is to give you as many ideas and inspiration as I can in the time we have together.

“Suzy is amazing! She inspired me to take my podcasting to the next level by sharing her expertise in the field. I am so appreciative for her encouraging words and wonderful feedback!“
— Becoming My Best Me Podcast

2) Expect to Find a Pod Partner- I make a concerted effort to frame my students as pod partners because learning with me is a collaborative effort. We grow together.

“I started my podcast with no prior background on content creation, and reached out to Suzy for coaching. Suzy took the time to listen to my catalogue, researched similar podcasts in my category, and provided detailed next steps. Suzy provided a roadmap for my podcast from multiple standpoints — social media engagement, landing guests and planning content. On top of her valuable insights, Suzy is great to bounce ideas with, she is incredibly responsive and supportive in her communication and all around a delight to work with!”
— Do Overthink It Podcast

3) Expect to Come Away with Actionable Steps- Every single coaching session is unique to the podcaster. I do extensive research before we meet up and always send a follow up email with action steps we’ve talked about in our session.

“We reached out to Suzy for help getting our podcast into the ears of more listeners. Not only did she research our pod before meeting with us, she also researched the category of our pod to think of creative ways we could accomplish our goal within our niche. She provided us with insights and suggestions to improve our pod from a listener’s perspective and she used her experience in podcasting to help us create ways to be more involved with fans. We cannot thank her enough for her help!”
— Crazy Train of Thought Podcast

4) Expect the Unexpected- Coaching with me isn’t the traditional “how to” class sharing tips you can easily Google yourself. I come to each coaching session brimming with 16 years of podcasting knowledge.

“I recently had the chance to sit down and dissect my podcast with Suzy. She came to the meeting incredibly prepared and had episode specific examples of what and how I could improve my presentation as well as next steps. I felt like I was talking to an old friend and immediately knew this was someone I can trust and take advice from. All the tips and tricks Suzy gave me are manageable and I can’t wait to add them to my podcast.”
— Ready, Set, Growth Podcast

5) Expect to Be Inspired- I couldn’t have podcasted consistently for 16 years without inspiration. Every time I chat with a podcaster I lead with inspiration.

“Suzy was so nice she was willing to lend her help. When we had a meeting Suzy gave me tips that BOOSTED my confidence in podcasting. She is amazing!”
— Lifestyle Tea Podcast

To connect with me for The Pod Process Coaching or nab The Pod Process Course for $7 (limited time offer) head on over on ThePodProcess.com.

