The Podcasters Guide To Being Okay Right Now
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended life as we know it. Our sense of safety, wellbeing and motivation is being tested like no other moment in our lifetime. As a podcast coach I’ve been hearing from a lot of creators that they’re feeling tired, overwhelmed or burned out. The struggle in the midst of COVID-19 is holding on to creativity.
Here are 3 self-care tips for podcasters.
1) Revitalize
To rekindle your passion take a trip down memory lane and remind yourself why you got into podcasting in the first place. Go back and listen to old episodes that you’ve recorded or peruse old Instagram posts. Connect with things that remind you how it feels to create. Talk to other podcasters; we’re here to support each other.
2) Contemplate
Since most of us are still stuck at or close to home there’s more time in the day for planning. It’s a great time to plan out the next phase of your podcast. Whether you want to make format changes, think about potential guests or topics, or dream up a completely new podcast. Now is the time to dream and intentionally set goals. Now is the time to think big. Let the quarantine be a catalyst for creativity.
3) Pause
Reminder: you can take a break. For Cookery by the Book Podcast I record from September to July every year. By the time July rolls around, I’m ready for a break. I’m ready to do endless laps in the pool without thinking about booking a guest, preparing for an episode, or editing a podcast. The pandemic has added a whole new level of fatigue this year. Mental health is very important. Maybe make a special announcement to let your listeners know you’re going to take a break but you’ll be back with fresh shows. Record a few extra episodes so you have some to release while you’re taking a break. A relatively easy thing to do is keep up with your social media while on break.
Podcasts require a lot of work and dedication. Your podcast won’t suffer if you take a week or two off to recharge and rest up. Let’s pop open a bottle of Rosé and float around the pool.